January 2025
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Lighting for reassurance1/1/2025 Image credit: Gerd Altmann 2015 words / 8-minute read We've all been there at some point. You're walking in a dark space at night, alone, maybe to your car in a parking lot. And a kind of fear seizes you. You can't see very well around you, so you don't know if there is someone waiting in the shadows. You get to where you're going as fast as you can, unlock your car door, get in and lock the door behind you. For a moment, you feel safe again. My friend and colleague Nancy Clanton, a lighting designer based in Colorado, explains how the situation is even more acute for women. She told me about an incident once, some years ago, when she was in an unfamiliar city to attend a lighting conference. She had to walk alone at night along a dark stretch of road between the convention center and her hotel. Even with all her knowledge about lighting and darkness, she still felt uneasy being out there by herself. She saw two people, both silhouettes, approaching. Like many people in the same situation, Nancy had to make a quick decision. Were they two threatening men? An innocuous couple? Something else? In her mind, at that moment, was born the idea of "lighting for reassurance". With a small amount of well placed light, she could have made a quick friend-or-foe determination. And if circumstances required, she could have made a quick exit. It would have changed the situation in a fundamental way. Why do we light outdoor spaces at night?There are many reasons that people use artificial light at night. For example, we light sidewalks and pathways to help people orient and find their way from Point A to Point B. We light roadways and "conflict zones" where different kinds of traffic come together, because we know that doing so saves lives. We like to add nighttime amenity to outdoor spaces, making them more inviting for activities like commerce. But we also liked it because many people believe that light at night deters or even prevents the incidence of crime. Does outdoor lighting yield any real, positive influence on nighttime safety and security? Does it reduce criminal behavior? "The influence of outdoor light at night on crime is mixed," writes DarkSky International in its most recent annual report Artificial Light at Night: State of the Science 2024. "Some of the same studies that looked at lighting and traffic/pedestrian safety also considered nighttime crime incidence. Certain studies reported crime reduction when lighting is added to outdoor spaces. Others find either a negative effect, no effect, or mixed results." Whatever the ways in which lighting and crime interact, it's not like the effect of administering a drug to a person. That is, there is no sense that a dose X of the medicine always produces effect Y in the individual. How outdoor lighting and crime interact (or don't)Crime and lighting seem to have a very context-dependent relationship. There are very many of what researchers call "confounding variables". These are influences unrelated to the study subject that might produce some kind of effect in the system. Without careful control of these variables, the researcher can draw an incorrect conclusion on the basis of observing the intended effect. To continue the medical analogy, drug researchers try to remove differences among people in patient study samples. These include age, gender, geographic, location, and other factors that might produce a result that mimics what the drug should do. Failure to deal with these "confounders" means that one can be fooled into believing there is an effect from a drug that is in fact, unrelated to its mechanism of action. It is also very difficult to carry out high-quality, well-controlled studies. Designing reliable (and replicable) lighting studies is challenging. There is not much research funding for this. Sometimes the sources of research funding are questionable. Researchers worry they may want to see some sort of pre-defined result from studies they support. And there are instances where experimental design is just bad. For example, a 2019 study conducted in New York City housing projects claimed a strong relationship between high levels of light and decreased crime. The study looked at the effect of placing intense light sources on portable towers outside housing buildings and tracking changes in the incidence of crime in the immediate environment around them. To the surprise of few, crime dropped. But that's what happens when you treat people like criminals and light up their homes like they were prison yards: you get unreliable results. More than just fear of the darkWhat underlies concerns about outdoor lighting, public safety and crime is the unspoken element of fear. It is a powerful and underestimated motivator of human behavior. Our evolutionary heritage has given us limited abilities to see at night. As diurnal animals are active during the day, it made night a dangerous place for our early human ancestors. Although we tend to think of fear of the dark as something that particularly afflicts children, many people as adults feel a deep-seated sense of terror toward dark places at night. How much we know about a place determines our sense of ease (or unease) about it. Because we are so dependent on our sense of sight, it's easy to feel that we lose control when we cannot see what is happening around us. Psychologists have long understood that these influences have tremendous power in shaping our perception of the world. In recent years, social scientists have begun investigating what they call "feelings of safety". That is, they try to measure the degree to which people feel safe or unsafe in different situations that may involve danger. It is important to know that feelings of safety are independent of whether people are actually safe. There are many instances in which people feel unsafe about a situation but the evidence shows that there was no actual danger. There are ways in which feelings of safety can increase in dark places at night that lead people to accept lower light levels. This relates to a sense in which people feel trapped by their surroundings. They are looking for the exits, so to speak, in case danger suddenly emerges. Research shows that lower light levels are less acceptable to most people in any situation where they feel trapped. If there are clear opportunities to escape if needed, the acceptability of lower light levels begins to rise. Other work shows that most people prefer somewhat higher levels of outdoor light at night. Most prefer light that is cooler than warmer in color appearance. But the value of this extra light diminishes very quickly as light intensities increase. The relationship between feelings of safety and light intensity appears to be logarithmic. What that means is that as light levels increase, the amount of an increase necessary to produce some certain amount of increase in feelings of safety becomes larger. The biggest increases in feelings of safety happen in moving from situations where there is no light to those in which there is a very small amount of light. To raise feelings of safety by again as much requires increasing the light intensity by much more, often more than a factor of ten. Figure 7 from Svechkina et al. (2020). In this study, researchers asked subjects in three Israeli cities about their feelings concerning outdoor spaces under different intensities of light at night. Their models for feelings of safety (FoS) as a function of light intensity (solid lines) show logarithmic increases. The increase in feelings of safety flattens out at highlight levels. We don't quite understand why. One theory is that high intensity lighting makes people feel insecure by promoting the sense that they are on display. Bright lighting can create deep, dark shadows between objects that obscure those spaces. A person moving through an outdoor space at night may not be able to tell whether there is a threat hiding in those shadows. The glare from very intense lighting sources also has a disabling effect on the viewer. Glare causes the pupil of the eye to contract, which reduces the depth of field of vision. It conveys a distinct disadvantage to the viewer. And it's the same "prison yard lighting" effect in the New York study mentioned earlier. Rethinking how we light the nighttime worldThat's where "lighting for reassurance" comes in. It's an outdoor lighting ethic still new in the design community. While traditional design holds that more is better, lighting for reassurance asserts that better is better. Often that's less light chosen with a strategy in mind. The goal is to improve outdoor visibility at night and help users of spaces discern where threats might be. In particular, it makes use of the incredible properties of human vision, even at low light intensities, to see very small changes in contrast. It ensures that all potential safety hazards are clearly indicated. It also means not going overboard with lighting levels to the point that it becomes a disability for the viewer. It also makes outdoor spaces at night more inviting to other users of those spaces. People generally tend to feel more unsafe when they are alone in such places at night. As more people fill outdoor squares, streets and other places, they begin to feel more safe in the presence of a crowd. This couples with the popularity of using outdoor light at night for aesthetic purposes. This can include lighting of building façades, statues and monuments, and other landscape features to enhance the sense of nighttime placemaking. And it avoids creating glare to the greatest practical extent. The task is now to communicate this to more lighting designers. They don't usually learn it either in their formal education or as part of their praxis. We also have to change how lighting designers and engineers think about the concepts of minimum and maximum lighting levels. Right now, lighting standards generally tend to indicate only minimum lighting levels for various lighting applications. This is a belief, not always supported by evidence, that only certain minimum values are "safe". But it is often not clear why those values are "safe" while other values are not. It also does not take into account the idea that lighting can be too bright in some cases. That can create its own security problems. Organizations that make outdoor lighting standards are just beginning to embrace the notion that along with recommended minimum lighting values should come corresponding maximum values. The right lighting levels would make Goldilocks herself feel safe at night because they're neither too low or too high. They're just right. Reassurance for better nightsWhat can we learn from all this? For one thing, many people experience fear of nighttime darkness, and that fear is visceral. We shouldn't tell them that they are wrong to feel fear because we have data that somehow show that their fears are unfounded.
It's also the case that feelings of safety are very powerful. We should recognize this and leverage that fact in outdoor lighting design. Furthermore, the human eye is an underrated detector of faint light at night. That said, lighting design often does not fully exploit its amazing properties. Instead, and as lighting has become much cheaper than ever to consume, design has pushed light levels very high. The result is that the way we do lighting design now often does more harm than good, even though its practitioners clearly want to do good. What we can do for them is to help them put in place better design through lighting for reassurance. It combines the best of what scientists tell us about lighting with the power of psychology. Together, we can make outdoor spaces at night that are truly more safe while also helping people in them feel safer. If we overcome the fear that now leads to demand for brighter outdoor spaces, we'll increase support for measures that gradually draw down light pollution. To do so would be a win for all involved: for people, for the environment, and for the night sky.
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Image credit: U.S. National Park Service (public domain) 1598 words / 6-minute read On Wednesday, 6th November, the world awoke to the news that former U.S. President Donald Trump won election for the second time. The 2024 campaign was long and bruising, but the win was definitive. On 20th January 2025, Trump will take office as the 47th President of the United States. Changes are of course coming to many aspects of American governance. And some people are wondering what this means for efforts to advance the cause of dark skies in the United States. As 2024 draws to a close, it's worth considering what the new year may bring. Here we must set aside politics and leave this year's campaign in the past. Instead, in this post we focus on the relevant policies of the first Trump Administration and what little we know about relevant plans for the second. Dark skies and U.S. federal policyBefore diving into specifics of policies past and future, it's worth discussing how U.S. policies interact with dark-sky conservation in general. There is little association between federal priorities and how the U.S. regulates outdoor lighting. Most such policy decisions are made at the local level, in cities and counties. Federal guidelines determine such things as minimum lighting energy efficiency standards. But determinations about when and where lighting is and isn't allowed are almost always in local hands. That is in part because there is no overarching national policy about outdoor lighting set by Congress. We have written here before about how that may change in the future. For now, there is little means by which the federal government can exert oversight in this realm. Some have suggested that federal courts could apply existing environmental law to the issue. And there's scant relevant case law to serve as a guide. Where federal policy really comes into play concerns the administration of federal public lands. The federal government owns a little more than 27% of the land area of the United States. But that ownership is not uniform across U.S. territory. It owns 46.4% of the land area in the 11 contiguous Western states, but only 4.2% of the land area of other states excluding Alaska. This is significant because much of the remaining pristine natural nighttime darkness occurs only in the Western states. These maps of the contiguous 48 U.S. states compare areas of federal land ownership (top) with the brightness of the night sky (bottom). The colors of the upper map show which federal agencies manage which lands. The false colors of the lower map correspond to night-sky brightness predicted from satellite data. Warmer colors mean brighter night skies. Credit: U.S. Geological Survey/U.S. National Park Service The way the U.S. government manages federally owned lands has much to do with landscape-scale preservation of dark skies. Despite lacking a Congressional mandate, all the major land-management agencies take part. But they also oversee various activities on those lands that can yield light pollution. And there is a complex interplay between federal, state and local government in terms of activities next to public lands. The good news is that the land managers have largely embraced dark skies as an important conservation goal. Public lands in the first Trump AdministrationTrump's first term in office saw radical changes to the U.S. land management regime. Organizations like the Center for American Progress branded him "The Most Anti-Nature President in U.S. History". The Administration sought to roll back protections of millions of acres of federal land through executive action. It famously reduced the size of Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments in Utah. This action drew lawsuits and was reversed by President Biden. Academics criticized these and other actions as "clearly the most substantial rollback in public lands protections in American history". But Trump also took certain actions that bolstered protections for federal lands, such as signing into law the Great American Outdoors Act. The Act also permanently authorized funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), which "helps strengthen communities, preserve history and protect the national endowment of lands and waters". The Administration also increased recreational access on public lands. This built on the tradition of support among hunters and fishermen for protections of their species of interest. We don't know exactly what effect these policies had on dark skies in and near federal public lands. Some land use changes involved further exploitation of mineral resources, including oil and gas drilling. The U.S. Bureau of Land Management ramped up sales of drilling permits on BLM-managed lands in places like southern New Mexico. This approach catered to the Administration's "America First Energy Plan" that aimed to shore up U.S. energy independence by boosting production of fossil fuels. One result was that areas near sensitive sites like Carlsbad Caverns National Park became much brighter at night. This graph plots total nighttime light emissions measured by satellite between 2017 and 2021 from a 7500-square-kilometer region of BLM land managed by the Carlsbad Field Office in New Mexico. Much of this light comes from oil and gas extraction activities on federal lands. During the first Trump administration it increased in brightness by a factor of three. What could happen during a second Trump termThere is a lot we don't know about what changes are coming next year. Public lands and resource management were not significant presidential campaign issues in 2024. There was some environmental policy discussed at the margins, much of which connects to the controversial "Project 2025" presidential transition plan published by the Heritage Foundation. The Center For Western Priorities argues that "Project 2025 would devastate America’s public lands". Many regulations on the fossil fuel industry would be relaxed. Sensitive territory in national monuments would be removed from many legal protections. Importantly, it would also roll back the existing implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act, or NEPA. This is a key piece of environmental legislation that insists on analysis of potential environmental harms from actions taken under the supervision of federal agencies. Reductions across the federal workforce could deprive agencies of expertise needed to adequately assess environmental impacts of projects on and near federal lands. This is significant, as the idea of applying NEPA to situations involving potential light pollution effects is still fairly new. It's safe to assume that there will be no new major initiatives that expand protections of public lands. In fact, there may be new efforts to weaken existing protections in the second Trump Administration. The executive branch may well attempt to transfer management of some federal lands directly to states. And in many instances, the biggest threat to dark skies in those places are surrounding or adjacent communities. As a matter of policy, their light emissions are not subject to federal jurisdiction or control. And some ideas, while unlikely to succeed, bring entirely new challenges. For example, during the campaign, Trump called for building new housing developments on public lands. How dark skies can survive and thrive in 2025 Despite the uncertainties involved in coming policy changes, the story for dark skies is not all doom-and-gloom. While there are inevitable challenges ahead, there may also be new opportunities. The key to getting the lay of the land is in the broad appeal that dark skies represent to people across the political spectrum. Support for preserving natural nighttime darkness on public lands seems to transcend political differences. For example, we should continue to connect to what locals in these places care about. Dark skies maintain the rural lifestyle — a selling point for dark skies in areas near public lands. In this sense, it may be that voluntary protections for darkness "fly under the radar" while other changes take place more in the open. We should also continue to promote the beauty of nighttime landscapes in places like national parks. This in turn fuels a growing astrotourism industry, which often yields the biggest economic impact in rural places. Often these same places are suffering after the withdrawal of extractive industries like mining and logging. And throughout, it's important to engage in the process rather than disengaging from it. Opportunities will arise to contribute during public comment periods on proposed federal actions impacting dark skies on public lands. A groundswell of opposition to a potential action might persuade the Administration to abandon a plan. In a similar vein, it's important to recognize and praise the right actions when taken. Dark skies can help offset losses when other policies are chipped away. It's important to understand the status quo of light pollution that already exists on and near federal lands. Land management agencies such as the U.S. National Park Service have already built up significant resources. The next step is to ramp up monitoring of nighttime light emissions to identify trouble spots quickly. There is an emerging best practice in outdoor lighting in and around sensitive places that's worth promoting. New projects on public lands might come with monitoring requirements identified in the NEPA process. Collaboration with partners such as NGOs will be an important component of that effort. Examples that demonstrate its value include programs run by the Mojave Desert Land Trust and Friends of Nevada Wilderness. The Mojave Desert Land Trust helps measure and monitor night-sky quality in Mojave Trails National Monument in support of future International Dark Sky Sanctuary status for the land. Finally, some of the burden of protecting dark night skies around federal lands will shift to the states. For instance, in New Mexico an effort is underway to update that state's Night Sky Protection Act in the next legislative session. DarkSky New Mexico and others are working to align the efforts of advocacy groups with the drilling-site safety needs of the oil and gas industry. Drawing on the success of similar pairings in West Texas, the result could be win-win-win all the way around.
Given that there are many unknowns at the moment, it's difficult to accurately guess what changes the new Administration will bring. For now, looking back on its previous history offers some important context in divining the possibilities. Gaming out various scenarios empowers dark-sky advocates to plan for different outcomes. In turn, this can help ratchet down some of the anxiety many folks have felt since election day. Night skies are a shared resource and one that should remain apolitical. A combination of vigilance, realism and a touch of hope for the future may well be what gets us through a bumpy ride ahead.
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Image credit: Jeswin Thomas 1683 words / 7-minute read Summary: As the world transitions to renewable energy, concerns about both transportation safety and light pollution converge in the form of facilities like wind farms. Learn more about how these influences interact and how competing interests in both realms can find balance leaning toward better sustainability. The world is in a precarious position at the moment. Our planet is experiencing a climate crisis. Scientists expect that its effects will become more plain in coming decades. In previous posts here, we explored how outdoor lighting and light pollution interact with environmental concerns. That includes topics such as climate change, corporate social responsibility, and the "Rights Of Nature". The laws in many countries mandate the use of outdoor lighting because it serves the public interest. Lighting has demonstrated safety benefits and saves lives. But when lighting becomes excessive, light pollution can cause its own problems. As the world transitions to renewable energy, this can create new challenges. This post explores concerns on both sides of the issue and asks whether competing interests can be balanced in reasonable and effective ways. More than one environmental challengeArtificial light at night (ALAN) has several connections to environmental concerns. For one, lighting consumes electrical power. That has a significant climate impact via the burning of fossil fuels. Also, ALAN exerts pressure on species already experiencing environmental stress. That stress comes not only from climate change, but also from sources like habitat and biodiversity loss. Energy-efficient lighting like LED seems at first like a solution the first problem. But it can also contribute to making the second problem worse. Its lower cost of operation has led to rapid adoption of LED technology in the past two decades. With this has come overconsumption of outdoor ALAN. Outdoor lighting is now perceived to be cheap and free of environmental consequences. There is evidence to suggest that had led to the installation of a lot of new and unnecessary lighting. It may have also eliminated any overall environmental benefit from the transition to LED. And it means more light in the nighttime environment, yielding further ecological stress. In concept, the simplest solution to the climate crisis is to reduce humanity's energy consumption. But our recent history suggests that we're not going to do that. Instead, economists expect energy demand to grow coming years and decades. If so, the next-best approach is to 'decarbonize' the global energy generation portfolio. That requires finding sources of energy that aren't limited to an exhaustible fuel supply. "Renewable" energy sources like solar, wind and geothermal harness the power of forces of nature. These forces are at work around us all the time, their energy is "free" and it yields no polluting byproducts. We have used some, like the wind, to power our transportation for thousand of years. Yet until recently, we couldn't move that energy from where we captured it to where we wanted to use it. Making the best use of renewables now involves constructing both facilities to collect the energy and the infrastructure needed to move it. For this reason, people who live in areas near renewable projects often oppose their construction. Often there are real concerns about the environmental impact of these facilities. When faced with the task of evaluating applications to allow them, governments have to make difficult choices. Sometimes they conclude that the benefits involved outweigh any adverse local impact. Those impacts can include light pollution. Windmills at night near Kennewick, Washington, USA. Source: Scott Butner/Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) From anecdotes to dataThere are certain "speciality" lighting applications that must evaluated in their own contexts. Lighting for specific public safety applications is among those applications. Wind farms, whether built on land or in bodies of water, are a particular concern. Wind turbines are obstacles for both pilots and sailors in both daytime and nighttime. That's true whether they're in active operation or not. Countries have set rules for lighting windmills at night to reduce the chance of accidents. These rules often supersede other concerns in environmental impact assessments. The principle underlying these rules is that certain safety concerns cannot be mitigated. As a necessary condition of permitting wind farms, they are seen as acceptable risks. These considerations have led governments to deny permission to build some projects. In other cases, the perceived benefits are too important not to permit renewable energy projects. Neighbors often oppose wind projects on aesthetic grounds. Their concerns about property values are often labeled NIMBYism ("Not In My Backyard"). Yet there are also real concerns about the environmental impact of this lighting. Renewables projects are often built in remote locations. These are often ecologically sensitive places. Windmills can be hazardous to birds, for example, and in particular at night for migratory species. Very large wind projects involving hundreds or thousands of turbines could light up the night sky. This may happen even when the lighting employed is the smallest amount allowed by law. So what is the real impact, and should we worry about it? Until recently there were essentially no scientific results to inform the debate. Salvador Bará (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain) and Raul Lima (Politécnico do Porto and the University of Coimbra, Portugal) just published the first significant work on this topic. They made a simple model of the visual impact of individual wind turbine lights. They used this model to compare their expected brightness to that of astronomical sources like bright stars and planets. It takes into account real-world influences like attenuation of light by the Earth's atmosphere . Bará and Lima found that windmill lights can be very bright at short distances. Up to 4 kilometers away, medium-intensity turbine lights can exceed the apparent brightness of the planet Venus. After the Sun and Moon, it is often the brightest natural object in the night sky. At 10 km away, the lights can still be brighter than the brightest stars. They can remain visible to the unaided eye to distances as far as almost 40 km. The authors concluded that "the visual range of wind farms at nighttime may be significantly larger than at daytime, a factor that should be taken into account in environmental impact assessments". So far this does not address the environmental effects of these lights. The researchers also looked at the amount of illumination on the ground that the lights can cause. Except at very close range, the intensity is low. As a benchmark, the authors used the expected light intensity on the ground from a starry night sky in the absence of the Moon. They found that even the brightest beacon lights on turbines yield these conditions out to distances of only a few hundred meters. Within 5 km the intensity is almost completely negligible. That said, it could still be harmful to wildlife very close to the windmills, whether on land or at sea. The amount of light falling on a horizontal surface at ground level (yellow curves) as a function of distance from a single wind turbine beacon light mounted 115 meters above ground level. The dotted cyan line represents "the illuminance produced by a typical moonless starry sky in conditions of astronomical night, ∼0.001 lx". Source: Figure 4, Bará and Lima (2024). What about the night sky? "Skyglow, in absolute terms, should not be very intense far away from the poles," Bará tells us. "The luminous intensity of the standard lamps used here at nighttime is 2000 candela, and this would make less than about 24,000 lumens per beacon, something like a couple of streetlights." Of course, if designers packed turbines into wind farms, the collective effect might be detrimental to the night sky. In a paper published last year, Bará and colleagues considered the effect of skyglow immediately near streetlights. They found that the contribution to skyglow from an isolated, single street light is small and localized close to the light. Small wind farms may thus have little impact on the night sky in their surroundings. But that's less likely as installations grow larger. Finding the optimal solutionWhat can be done about all this? Clearly there is a climate need to shift energy production away from fossil fuels and toward renewables. Almost one-third of global electricity production now comes from renewables. That percentage is steadily increasing. Certain flavors of renewable energy, like solar, don't need facility lighting at night. But they're not suitable for every condition or situation. For example, electricity generated from solar cells drops to zero at night. To reduce uncertainties, experts recommend diversifying investments in types of renewables. This ensures that no one technology dominates in an area.
To the extent that wind energy is a good option in many parts of the world, there remains the question of where to put it. The social unacceptability of wind farms near populated places is unlikely to change. That leaves locations that may be especially sensitive from an ecological perspective. At the same time, transportation safety concerns will persist and even grow. Technology may be able to help. For example, some wind farms are now equipped with Aircraft Detection Lighting Systems (ADLS). These systems sense the approach of aircraft within a predefined volume of space around and above wind farms by using low-powered radar. When an aircraft enters a predefined detection zone, the ADLS switches on bright lighting to make windmills visible to the pilot. Once the aircraft exits the detection zone, ADLS turns off the lighting automatically. ADLS can improve situational awareness of obstructions like windmills even in challenging weather. It is sometimes deployed in conjunction with Enhanced Vision Systems (EVS) equipment. EVS combines views from infrared and visible-light cameras to help pilots see through fog, snow, and other low-visibility conditions. At the end of the day, we can't have it all. So we have to make accommodations. Situations arise where even our best technology can't fully mitigate dangers associated with wind energy projects. But where to locate these facilities remains a choice. Decisions should consider ecological sensitivity in relation to the amount of traffic and the need for lighting. In other words, it's a problem of many variables that has more than one solution. Sometimes the answer is to not build the project at all. Dark-sky advocates have long wrestled with such tradeoffs. It is often the case that the most "wildlife friendly light" is the one that is never installed to begin with. And yet, better lighting practices exist in the real world alongside complex social and political influences. Lighting for safety remains among the most complex of them all. As the climate crisis becomes more acute, we are again confronted with often difficult choices. The right balance between competing risks serves both the interests of nature and society. That balance leads in a direction toward a world that is more sustainable in all its aspects.
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Image credit: Joshua Strang/USAF 1657 words / 7-minute read Summary: The brightness of the natural night sky, free of artificial skyglow, changes dynamically in response to space weather. Understanding this relationship is important for defining what a "dark" sky truly is. This post explains the origin of space weather, how it affects the Earth-space environment, and why it's important for protecting natural nighttime darkness. The Sun is the nearest star, a slow-spinning globe of plasma that powers almost all life on Earth. But it's not only a passive radiator of energy that warms our planet. Rather, it's an active and dynamic system that reaches all the way out to us across almost 150 million kilometers. As its substance reaches the Earth, complex interactions yield various effects on the planetary environment. Among those is an influence on the brightness and appearance of the night sky we're still struggling to understand. The emerging view is that "space weather" determines what the night sky looks like in the absence of light pollution. And that turns out to be important in defining what a "dark sky" is. As we approach the peak of the current solar cycle, here we dig into the ways the Sun changes our experience of night. A lively and changing systemNuclear reactions taking place deep in its core power the Sun. Protons fuse to make helium nuclei at temperatures approaching 15 millions of degrees. These fusion reactions release light, which takes about a million years to work its way up to the thin edges of the Sun's atmosphere. Along the way there are a lot of electrically charged particles running around. The rotation of the Sun drags the particles along. In turn, that generates a magnetic field. And that's where things get interesting. A simple view of this magnetic field is like a simple bar magnet, with a "north pole" and a "south pole". On large scales, the field is weak; a typical refrigerator magnet is about ten times more intense. If that were true everywhere on the Sun, not much in the way of interesting phenomena would ever happen. Yet the local strength of the magnetic field can be much higher. The lines of the global magnetic field twist as they wrap around the interior of the Sun. Much like winding up a rubber band, the field lines strain under the tension and begin to kink. Some of these contortions emerge from the visible surface of the Sun. We see these protuberances as sunspots. Eventually the contortions burst under pressure, producing what we see as solar "flares". Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) sometimes follow flares. These events release incredible amounts of energy and hot, charged particles into space. Sunspot numbers since the early 17th century from a mixture of observations and proxy measurements. Source: Robert A. Rohde / Global Warming Art project (CC BY-SA 3.0) A few years after this process starts up, it takes about as long to quiet down again. Strong magnetic fields almost disappear at the surface, sunspots disappear, and flares end. The Sun remains quiet for some time. Then the process starts all over again. A complete cycle takes about 11 years to repeat, and we have seen it repeat with near-perfect reliability for at least four centuries. We are now near the maximum of this cycle, the 25th such event since astronomers began counting in the 1700s. This cycle has an intensity like those over much of the past 250 years. Notable outbursts associated with CMEs have occurred in recent months. In May 2024, millions of people around the world saw auroral displays during a strong solar "storm". Such events are likely through at least 2025. 'Space weather' and the night skyThe aurora lights up Earth's skies with dramatic, colorful displays, but such events are usually only seen near the poles. Less intense events happen with more frequency. Their effects are more subtle. In places far from city lights, these effects determine what the night sky looks like. In 2022, we wrote here that 'the natural night sky is alive with its own light'. The Sun accounts for much of that liveliness. Our planet's own magnetic field shapes the flow of incoming material from the Sun during its outbursts. That can trap significant numbers of charged particles in our magnetic environment. In turn, very large amounts of electrical energy are temporarily stored in space near the Earth. It's fortunate that the Earth has a strong magnetic field. In fact, it's possible that there would be no life on Earth without its shielding effect. Still, very big solar radiation events can overwhelm this defense. Certain very intense storms, like the Carrington Event of 1859, can actually damage electrical equipment on the ground and in space. Solar storms cause displays of the aurora, mostly at higher latitudes. Solar flares can ionize the upper atmosphere, triggering intense airglow. This light is much brighter than the background of stars and other sources of light in the nighttime sky. Even at solar minimum, the brightness of the night sky correlates with solar activity levels. A cartoon of the Earth’s magnetic environment interacting with charged particles from the Sun. Source: NASA (public domain) Some of this takes place continuously throughout the ebb and flow of the solar cycle. We know that the night sky on average tends to be brightest near the equinoxes and darkest near the solstices. This results from something called the Russell-McPherron effect. It has to do with the Earth's magnetic environment being sort of a 'gatekeeper'. Its strength is weakest when the direction of the interplanetary magnetic field points south. That allows more solar material to enter the space right around our planet. Why this matters to dark-sky conservationWe see tremendous variation in the brightness of the night sky even in places far from cities. And in recent years we have come to better understand why that is. Even until today, many activists, conservationists and researchers have in mind a more quiet night sky. They talk about "pristine" skies as though one number alone characterizes their brightness. Isolated from all other influences, that would be true. But reality is a bit more messy. For almost 25 years, DarkSky International (formerly the International Dark-Sky Association) has run a program called International Dark Sky Places. It recognizes efforts around the world that "preserve and protect dark sites through responsible lighting policies and public education." Some of its designation categories include night-sky quality requirements. That, in turn, involves something of a value judgment that concerns what a "dark" sky is. It expressed the value as a series of tiers: Gold, Silver and Bronze. About a decade after the first designation under this system, DarkSky abandoned it. Real night-sky brightness data were too variable and inconsistent to make it workable. To know what we're losing to light pollution, we need to understand the variation of the natural sky. We need to watch what the natural sky does over many years. That will tend to show both the regular cycles as well as unpredictable disruptions. What's clear already is that no one night, considered in isolation from others, is representative of any site. It takes some time to measure a place to figure out what is "normal". To then know the range over which the variation away from normal occurs takes longer still. The title of our 2022 post here referenced researcher Al Grauer, who has said that “the natural night sky is not dark. It is alive with its own lights." We contacted him for this post and asked about the intensity of the effect seen in his own data. “Interactions between the Earth’s magnetosphere and the solar wind routinely cause the natural night sky to vary by a factor of two in brightness," Grauer says. While such observations can persuade scientists, it's harder to make the case to the public. That's especially true in the case of people who don't live in or near naturally dark places. Their experiences in those conditions tend to be limited, so they fail to notice the changes around them. It turns out, though, that conveying this sense of change may be critical to achieving conservation goals. Few people spend much time outside at night to begin with. They aren't aware of the extent to which the night is lost to light pollution around the world. Honest assessments about the degree of other kinds of pollution were essential in bringing them under control through legal means. There are reasons to think that is also true in this situation. Bright green airglow waves light up the night sky over Loveland Pass, Colorado. Source: Bryce Bradford (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) Where we can go nextWe wrote here about a recent academic conference at which researchers discussed the idea of "reference sites". The dark-sky movement is more often now leaning on policy makers to take actions to not only slow the advance of light pollution. They want authorities to take steps to restore the night where light pollution has harmed it.
An example is the recently enacted European Union "Nature Restoration Law". Its aim is ambitious: to restore "all ecosystems in need of restoration by 2050". And the law contains some language specific to light pollution: "with artificial light increasing, light pollution has become a pertinent issue." One example of 'restorative measures' in its annex is: "stop, reduce or remediate pollution from ... light in all ecosystems.” At the same time, we know there is a variable amount of natural light in those ecosystems. Light from the sky relates to the flux of light on the ground, which is relevant to biology. Ecosystems evolved in conditions of variable natural nighttime light. That gives us a clue about the amount of artificial light at night they can tolerate. We want to tie policy goals to measurable reductions in light pollution. In turn, that ties them to measurable reductions in skyglow and light falling in sensitive areas. But first we must establish these references and track them so we know if reductions are real or not. And that means we have to watch for some years — at least through a solar cycle. It's often the case that with every answer science provides more questions. When we interrogate one part of nature, the results may point out deficiency in some other area. This is the nature of discovery and integration of new colors and shades into our picture of nature. We have learned much about the ways space weather changes the night sky. We continue to learn as we gather more data over longer periods of time. This all contributes in meaningful ways to advancing the cause of caring for and protecting the night. The need to do so has never been as great as it is now.
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Image credit: Dark Sky Consulting 1913 words / 8-minute read Summary: As athletes gathered in Paris for the 2024 Olympic Summer Games, the "Olympics of Astronomy" convened half a world away. At the International Astronomical Union's 32nd General Assembly, dark skies was on the agenda. Read about astronomers' involvement in the dark skies movement and how related concerns were top of mind at this year's event. The world recently watched the spectacle of the 2024 Olympic games. Assembling the world's best athletes once every four years sets the Games apart from many other athletic competitions. The Olympic flame extinguished, another long period commences before they meet again in another world city. The world astronomy community has its own version in the form of a similar gathering of greats with a long period between. The International Astronomical Union's General Assembly, held somewhere in the world every three years, is sometimes called the "Olympics of Astronomy". The events draw astronomers from all over the world for meetings where many would only ever encounter one another. Since dark skies were on the agenda at the latest edition, it's a good time to catch up here on efforts to protect astronomy for the benefit of future generations. A long history of leading the wayThe International Astronomical Union, or IAU, is the world's main professional body representing astronomers. Founded in the wake of the First World War, it now represents over 12,000 people in astronomy and related fields. Their professional predecessors were among the first to sound the alarm about light pollution. Astronomers made some of the first descriptions of its effects on the night sky. The earliest accounts come from the 19th century in the era of gas lighting. By the turn of the 20th century, electric light quickly became a new scourge. Astronomical observatories moved out of the capitals of Europe for more rural locations. Some viewed this as the price of progress while wondering whether the price was too high. The scientific study of light pollution began in the 1960s and 1970s, and again astronomers led the way. One of the first scholarly mentions of light pollution was a little over 50 years ago in the pages of the journal Science. Astronomers worked to understand the influences that had been brightening skies over observatories for decades. And they put energy into changing public policies in and around observatory sites. For instance, the city of Flagstaff, Arizona, enacted what may be the world's first outdoor lighting law in 1958. Nearby Lowell Observatory played no small part in that effort. Astronomers get organizedIAU was a little late to the party in recognizing the seriousness of light pollution. It contributed to the the Starlight Declaration of 2007, which called access to dark skies “a fundamental socio-cultural and environmental right”. At its 27th General Assembly in 2009, the IAU adopted a resolution on light pollution. It urged its members to work to reduce light pollution from the local to international levels. And in 2020-21, it helped arrange two international workshops on the subject. The events addressed the connection between light pollution and cultural heritage, "dark sky oases", astrotourism, and the bio-environment. The IAU has also built dark skies into its formal activities. In 1973 it set up Commission 50, dedicated to "Protection of Existing & Potential Observatory Sites". In 2018 it became Inter-Division B-C Commission B7, reflecting the duel influences of Commissions B ("Facilities, Technologies and Data Science") and C ("Education, Outreach and Heritage"). In the early 2020's IAU began to realize the threat posed to astronomy by large satellite constellations, which we previously wrote about here. In response it established the Centre for the Protection of the Dark and Quiet Sky from Satellite Constellation Interference (CPS). Addressing a new threat from aboveAs athletes were competing in Paris, astronomers from 107 countries gathered in Cape Town, South Africa, for the 2024 General Assembly. Besides dedicated sessions about light pollution and "Dark and Quiet Skies", these themes recurred in other programming during the two weeks of the General Assembly. Each of the IAU Offices (for Development, Outreach and Education) included aspects of these topics in their offerings. CPS hosted a session early in the General Assembly dedicated to progress on the satellite issue. Richard Green, Interim CPS Director, opened the session with a summary of the status quo and developments since establishment of the Centre. Each of the four CPS "hubs", or sections, put on presentations during the daylong session. This was further supported by a poster session with a variety of results across CPS technical, policy and community engagement efforts. The session concluded with the perspectives of figures in the commercial space industry who described their actions taken by companies to reduce the impact of satellites on astronomy. Richard Green (CPS Interim Director) opens the CPS session with a summary presentation. Some common themes emerged. CPS touted its achievements in encouraging the industry to find creative solutions to mitigate potential harms to the night sky. CPS leaders called for more dialog and engagement with industry as the way to get the best outcomes. Technical presentations evaluated mitigations attempted to date. And space policy experts examined possibilities for affecting change in a challenging global regulatory climate. In particular, they pointed to the gradual emergence of best management practices among industry participants. These informal or "soft" approaches may have the best chance of success. At the same time, other presenters took a more skeptical point of view, criticizing elements of the engagement between astronomers and the industry. They pointed out inadequate attention to the issue among many astronomers. Lively exchanges between participants pulled at all the threads involved: legal, technical, and commercial. It was clear that the players are still far from agreement on some points. It's also the case that there is much we don't know about the broader problem. That includes the "carrying capacity" of orbital space and what effects re-entering satellites will have on Earth's upper atmosphere. Yet all agree that more satellites will be in orbit in the future, and we still lack the means of ensuring the sustainable development of space. Ensuring the future of astronomical discoveryLater in the General Assembly dedicated sessions on light pollution took place. Inter-Division B-C Commission B7 held a business meeting to discuss strategy in the next 'triennium', or three year period of IAU activities. Its leadership acknowledged that much of the Commission's attention focused on the satellite problem in the previous triennium. It aimed to sketch out the major pieces of a strategic plan for 2024-27. Freeform discussion among the meeting attendees followed. Many ideas came up: opportunities to inform the framing of national light pollution legislation; better quantifying the cost to astronomy from light pollution; and standardizing the ways we measure and report light pollution impacts on astronomy. Those involved are also struggling with the degree to which their advocacy should directly address environmental concerns. Supporters see that strategy as one that may prompt people to care about light pollution in ways that astronomy alone won't. The IAU itself is changing. It now often looks outward and engages with society beyond the community of professional astronomers alone. To do so calls for them to avoid excluding audiences from certain spaces because astronomers are "the experts". Samyukta Manikumar (IAU Office of Astronomy for Development) leads an "unconference" session on astrotourism and dark skies. On the last day of the General Assembly, the IAU Executive Committee Working Group on Dark & Quiet Sky Protection convened another daylong session. The format was again a mix of presentations, posters and freely flowing discussion among participants. Nearly all agreed on the need to broaden the appeal of dark night skies and the protections from light pollution they need. The development of astrotourism, a form of sustainable tourism oriented toward night-sky viewing, is seen as a key element in protecting more places in the world. The need for well-crafted and implemented outdoor lighting policies is acute. But several speakers also noted that people most affected by those policies should be consulted as a matter of basic democratic principles. Lastly, the session looked beyond both our home planet and the wavelengths of light we can see with our eyes alone. The quiet part of "Dark and Quiet Skies" refers to radio frequency interference (RFI). This is the equal of light pollution in the radio part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Radio astronomers continue to suffer interference from diverse sources of artificial radio energy on the ground. But now they also find their observations under attack from above. Yet ways to focus the public's attention on RFI threats to radio astronomy remains elusive. Many people are simply unaware of the existence of radio astronomy, much less of RFI. Many of these threats to astronomy may play out again as humanity establishes a permanent presence in the cosmos. Plans to commercially develop the Moon, for example, are ramping up fast. Astronomers have long prized access to the Moon as the site of future telescopes with exquisite sensitivity. Such facilities could revolutionize our understanding of the universe. But they now face prospects like RFI from satellites in orbit around the Moon and damage from lunar dust kicked up by various activities. There is still a window of opportunity to protect the Moon from interference that would impact astronomy. The time remaining to protect the most vulnerable sites is running out. The IAU has established a Working Group on Astronomy on the Moon whose work is just beginning. Reflections on past, present and futureAstronomers were the vanguard in sounding the alarm about light pollution. And for good reason: it threatened the success of their enterprise. Now of course we have powerful space telescopes situated far above our planet. But we still rely on their ground-based counterparts to be the workhorses of research and discovery. And even the most remote of those facilities is under assault by light pollution. There are many takeaways on the subject of dark (and quiet) skies from two weeks in Cape Town for this year's IAU General Assembly. It seems that many astronomers don't pay a lot of attention to the issue, if they ever did. While the dark skies sessions were well-attended, they faced competition from science sessions held on the same days and times. The General Assembly offers a jam-packed schedule that inevitably involves conflicts among parallel sessions vying for participants' attendance. To some astronomers we talked to, putting their attention on dark and quiet skies feels like work that they often assume someone else is (or should be) doing. They face their own struggles with inadequate research funding and an unstable labor market. That was all the more evident among attendees from developing economies that don't enjoy the comparative luxuries of their North American and European colleagues. It's not that they don't care about light pollution. But they rarely have time to think about it, much less to take action. The satellite problem has thrown a new complication into the mix. Despite the efforts of organizations like CPS, it has even less recognition among astronomers than ground-based light pollution. Some wondered aloud why the community failed to expect the threat, which forced it to play defense from the beginning. Yet there is still hope that the IAU will lead on all these issues and to come out more forcefully in support (and defense) of astronomy and astronomers everywhere. We're entering an era unprecedented in the history of astronomy. The biggest telescopes ever built will soon see first light. Machines like the James Webb Space Telescope are pushing the frontiers of discovery nearly to the origin of the universe itself. Computing power is cheap, allowing us to make very sophisticated models to understand the physics of the cosmos. And yet it is all threatened by forces from beyond and above. Astronomers still hold a place of special fascination and even reverence among the public. Will they use their status to rally that public in support of their science? The outcome will determine the very future of astronomy itself. The IAU flag is passed to the hosts of the next IAU General Assembly, to be held in Rome, Italy, in August 2027.